Replacement of Old Breaker Panel in Plano, TX

An updated breaker panel replacement was installed at a residential home in Plano, TX.

A homeowner in Plano, TX gave Pettett Electric a call to see what his options were for replacing breaker panels. He had done some research and was concerned about the dangers of the Federal Pacific Panel that had been installed and been present in his home for a number of years.

Upon inspection at the Plano home, our residential electricians found that the old panel no longer met the electrical code requirements because it had been installed in a bedroom clothes closet. Instead of simply replacing the panel in the same place where it had previously been installed, our electricians moved the box to an exterior wall to meet the current electrical codes. Not only did we successfully claim a new spot for the updated panel, we installed a brand new 200 amp main breaker panel that met all grounding code requirements.

Federal Pacific Panel Dangers

If you or someone you know still has a Federal Pacific Panel in your home or commercial building, you should be sure to understand the dangers that it can cause. The Federal Pacific Panels have been deemed a considerable fire hazard due to the many units that have experienced malfunctions. These malfunctions tend to occur when an overload or short circuit happens and they overheat, failing to provide protection from fires. Research proves that one in four breakers will be defective and fail to provide the proper protection to homeowners.

If you have any questions about how to replace the dangerous breaker panel in your home or building, don't hesitate to give us a call at 972-388-3560. You may also contact us here!